Tuesday 31 May 2016


It was a wonderful time at the business premises of Korane Photo Studios Ltd, Woji Junction, Port Harcourt which hosted our seminar on Effective Time Management for High performance on 29 May, 2016.
The seminar exposed the staff to (1) the concept of time and time management; (2) the principles of Time Management (3) Time Management Matrix (4) Pareto Principle and its application to time management (5) Time management tools and aids.

We thank the management of Korane Photo Studios Ltd, Port Harcourt for giving us the opportunity to add value to their business. We hope to  have another session by next quarter of 2016.

Below is the gallery of some of the high points captured during the session!

Tuesday 24 May 2016

TO SUCCEED AT AGE 40- Things you need to know before that golden age

TO SUCCEED BY AGE 40: The necessary steps to take if you are still in paid employment
There is a widespread assumption that work in paid employment gets harder after age 40. The responsibilities may be heavier, but after 40 years of age, you should be valued for your experience, know-how and judgment, rather than for the ability to work 18 or more hours every day, all year round. Most of the major rewards of success tend to accumulate after the age of 40-if you do the right things before that watershed birthday.
What are those right things?
1.       Do your Homework: Learn everything you need to know about your business or profession before 40. Burning the midnight oil is okay at 20, may be even 30, but it is a terrible hassle having to lose sleep over some new qualifications at 40-plus.

2.       Develop your own style: Before you are 40, learn to know what you are comfortable with, whether it is the way you dress or simply the small touches that set you apart. You can experiment in your 20s and 30s but establish your own style firmly by the time you are 40. No one appears more insecure than a man or a woman trying to redesign his or her “look” in mid-career. You like suspenders? Fine! Make them your trademark. You work better with fresh flowers on your desk? Display them every day.

3.       Put your emotional life in order, if possible:  It’s great help, when climbing towards the higher rugs of the career ladder, to be happy in life, rather than to find yourself mired in emotional crisis. It is hard enough to succeed without taking on personal problems that sap energy and divert your attention. Besides, unhappiness is like a disease-it gradually eclipses interest in everything else. Of course, all difficulties can’t be avoided, and one has to rise above them; but those who have managed to put their emotional lives in order by the time they are 40 are generally in better shape for success than those who haven’t. So if you are going to end a hopeless entanglement, do it before the problems drag on into the fifth decade of your life, when you should be enjoying yourself and watching the investment you have put into your career and into your family.

Tuesday 17 May 2016

RETIRE YOUNG, RETIRE WELL Seminar holding in Uyo, Akwa Ibom state

10 Keys to Retirement’s Holy Grail

The author of ‘I Want to Retire!’ shares his insights 

This article is adapted from I Want To Retire!: Essential Considerations for the Retiree to Be.

I’m not retired yet, so over the past few years, I’ve been gathering information and learning what I can do to eventually live a fulfilling retirement.

Obviously, even a well-prepared plan is subject to unexpected events beyond our control. But I believe we can make some educated guesses and take actions to increase our odds of realizing that ideal retirement. The trick is to know what you need to do and then get to it sooner rather than later.

I have spoken with many retirees and retirees-to-be and regularly follow numerous retirement blogs and publications. In addition, I’ve taken time to ask myself what retirement means to me and how best to enjoy the experience.
(MORE: What Retirees Say Retirement is Really Like)
10 Keys to the Retirement Holy Grail
After all my research, if I were to pick the 10 top considerations to prepare for retirement and to live it to the fullest, I'd say that my list would look like this:

1. Accept reality. Getting older can make things a bit more challenging, but denial is not an option. Try to pretend the effects of time are nonexistent and you’ll ultimately fail.
So make the best of what life throws your way. Limitations needn’t be treated as impassible roadblocks to living a glorious retirement. Although aging won’t be easy, living the best life possible can give you peace of mind.
Remember what Victor Hugo said: “When grace is joined with wrinkles, it is adorable. There is an unspeakable dawn in happy old age.”

Oh, and try not to take yourself too seriously. Otherwise, retirement’s challenges might become overwhelming.

2. Be easy on yourself as you transition into your new lifestyle. When starting out in retirement, try not to put unnecessary pressure on yourself. Don’t feel guilty if you find you have nothing to do. Try to accept that the time you enjoy wasting is not wasted at all.

Learn to go with the flow and appreciate your good fortune at being retired. Allow yourself to settle in to your new life. You have earned your freedom from responsibility; savor the moment.

The time may come when you want to explore more meaningful activities to fill your day. But you’ll be happier if you avoid jumping into something that you’d really rather not be doing – just to be busy.
(MORE: The Secrets of ‘How to Retire Happy’)
3. Live your legacy. Older people frequently talk about the legacy they will leave behind when they are gone. For some, it’s all about leaving an estate so the next generation can benefit from their hard work and success. Others are more concerned with how the life they lived and the person they became will be remembered.

Why not focus your efforts on the life you are living now to create a lasting memory that goes beyond material things? Long after your inheritance is spent, the memory of who you were and what you stood for can live on.

I would rather have my children or grandchildren remember my crazy sense of humor or my obsession with the San Jose Sharks hockey team or a kind deed I did for someone in need rather than have them line their pockets with money that will dissipate. If they smile when they think of me after I’m gone, my legacy will live on.
(MORE: What Financial Planners Don’t Get About Retirement)
4. Don’t be afraid to step outside your comfort zone. By this time in life, you’re well aware of the things you like to do. You have probably been doing them for years and have gotten darn good at them.

So why shake things up by trying something new? Because you can have a more fulfilling retirement if you’re willing to test yourself and broaden your horizons.

Do you remember when you screwed up your courage for the first time in your youth – riding your bike without training wheels while mom watched pensively from the porch or scoring your initial basket under the watchful eyes of happy teammates?

They resulted from your willingness to take a chance. There is no reason we should unduly limit ourselves just because we’re getting older.

Make lifelong learning a reality to keep your brain sharp and your conversations worthy of attention.

In my book, I list 77 possible interests to pursue in retirement, from learning how to ride a horse to writing a poem. But the options are truly limitless.

5. Try to live below your means. Enjoying retirement doesn’t require you to pursue extravagance. And you’ll likely run into some unexpected expenses, particularly relating to your health.
As the years progress, you’ll feel more secure about your future with a bank balance that’s under control.

6. Don’t be a watcher, be a doer. TV is for watching. Sports events are for watching. Concerts are for watching. Life is for living.

A retirement life spent watching the world go can be a wasted retirement. Look for ways to get involved and engaged rather than observing passively from the sidelines.

Once you’re retired, you must assume responsibility for maintaining a balance between activity and relaxation. A retired life made up of only one or the other does not typically work out well. So give yourself a mix of activity and then some down time, an adventure and then a vacation, a physically taxing outing and then a nap in the garden. It’s all about achieving balance.

7. And don't just plan to do it, do it now. The clock is ticking and no one knows how many more tomorrows we are allotted. Today is the perfect time to try things and to finally do what you’ve been meaning to do.

If you wait, you may be physically unable to accomplish them.

8. Have no regrets. There’s a Yiddish proverb that says: A man is not old until his regrets take the place of his dreams. It’s worth remembering.

You’ve probably heard the story of the old guy on his deathbed listing all of the things he’s sorry for not having done during his life. Tears are shed as he describes spending too little time with his family and not going on that adventure he always dreamed of. How many of us are taking action to prevent such an occurrence in our lives and ridding ourselves of regrets?

Take the time now to make amends, clear the air, and do the right thing. Otherwise, those mistakes can haunt your retirement, leaving you with feelings of guilt and sorrow.

9. Don’t let your passions die with you. While you were tied up in the working world, you may have dreamed of just this chance to finally do the things that inspire and excite you.

When you’re retired, ask yourself: Are you pursuing your passions? If not, what are you waiting for?

Do what you’ve always dreamed of doing while you are still able.

10. Put family first. Once we retire, our calendars may have a bit more time available to spend with others. Who better to hang with than family?

If you are lucky to have your parents still around, call and visit them to share your life’s events. If you haven’t spoken with a sibling recently, pick up the phone to catch up with each other, share a memory and reconnect. If the last time you two spoke ended in a conflict, mend that bridge.
As my mom taught me at an early age, there’s nothing more important than family. That's especially true during your retirement years.

Tuesday 19 April 2016


If you are 25 years  and above, gainfully employed or self-employed, we will  advise that you take out time and ponder on how and where your life will be when you reach 60 years of age, being the official retirement age an individual is expected to be done with active work in the labour market.

As a banker, I meet a lot of senior citizens and sadly, the common denominator I see in most of these people is a life of unprepardness for the darkest and coldest days of ones live.

Saturday 16 April 2016


matrix, also known as Eisenhower’s Urgent-Important Principle, distinguishes between importance and urgency:
  • Important responsibilities contribute to the achievement of your goals.
  • Urgent responsibilities require immediate attention. These activities are often tightly linked to the accomplishment of someone else’s goal. Not dealing with these issues will cause immediate consequences.
Here’s a summary of the meaning of each quadrant:
  • Quadrant I – important deadlines with high urgency
    The first quadrant contains tasks and responsibilities that need immediate attention.
  • Quadrant II – long-term development and strategizing
    The second quadrant is for items that are important without requiring immediate action. Covey points out that this quadrant should be used for long-term strategizing.
  • Quadrant III – distractions with high urgency
    The third quadrant is reserved for tasks that are urgent, without being important. Covey recommends minimizing or even eliminating these tasks as they do not contribute to your output. Delegation is also an option here.

  • Quadrant IV – activities with little to no value
    The fourth and last quadrant focuses on tasks and responsibilities that do not yield any value—items that are unimportant and not urgent. These time wasters should be eliminated at any costs.
If you apply the Covey time management matrix to your own professional and private life, you will notice that the majority of your activities can be found within quadrant I and III. Experience shows that quadrant II is neglected by most people, especially in the area of their own personal development.
However, the importance of the second quadrant must not be underestimated. If you notice a big gap in this quadrant it means that your focus lies too much on the operative aspect, while the strategic perspective is left behind. For this reason, Covey addresses quadrant II as an exceptionally important part of the matrix. Without this quadrant efficient time management would not be possible, as it requires strategic elements as well.

Culled from the Internet. Copied from www.planetofsuccess.com

Friday 15 April 2016


In today's business world, we must move away from the shallow waters which is usually overcrowded, murky and bloody to the deap sea where competition is not cut throat and where a business can chart a new course and claim dominance.

In today's bloody businessworld, so much is done by companies tp stay afloat. As such, we see that most industry players in all the existing sectors of the economy aggressively pushing for a large chunk of the market share.

The resultant effect is that businesses have had to restrict their strategies to reducing quality, cutting costs of operations,reducing margins and sadly, poaching or eroding the customer base of competitors using some underhand or not so over-the-board t actics.

The confluence of all or some of the above named antics by the sector players has turned the business environment to a  red ocean'.

What is red ocean?

A red ocean is the enviroment where existing industries doing conventional businesses in various economic sectors thrive.

What makes it 'red' is that like the shallow waters where all  aquatic creatures struggle to feed from the plantons, small crustaceans and other smaller fish and thereby bloodying the waterbody, businesses within industry sectors are busy struggling to stay alive by 'eating' customers, competitors and egen themselves to stay alive.

Take a look at Nigerian banks and telecom players and what do you see? These companies are spending so much energy trying to win over existing industry/sector customers by offering more variants of their products that are basically the same, incurring so much costs on product development, marketing and sales without generating as much revenue as estimated ab initio.

These companies always end up having to offer more products for less price, reducing quality of service, give discounts and run promos which may not relate with the overall object and vision of the organisation.

What is needed is for these companies to improve revenue and consequently, improve profitability is to swim to a 'blue ocean' environment.

What is a blue ocean environment?

Stay tuned.

My name is Victor Idem (ACIA) and I just want to make commonsense.

Thursday 14 April 2016


According to the American Department of Health, Education and Welfare, a survey was conducted which tracked 100 persons who were 25 years for 40 years when they would all have turned 65 yeats of age (the official retirement age by law). The outcome was as follows;

36 persons had died by the end of the period;
54 were living on government or family support;
5 were still working because they must;
4 were well off;
1 was wealthy.

Culled from 'Retire young, retire rich' by Robert Kiyosaki (c) 2015.

In a place like Nigeria where we don't have statistics to support our findings, it can be deduced that the figures may be much more unfavorable.

Most probably, more than 36 % of the people would be dead and less than 5% will be well off.

What do we need to do to be among the 5% of retirees who leave paid employment or private business and maintain our standard of living with peace of mind?

Let us meet and draw up our retirement plans.

Visit our office today @ 7, Mbaba Afia street, Opposite National Open University of Nigeria, Uyo, Akwa Ibom state, Nigeria.

Follow us on @veenapconsultsl1

Call +234-706-866-4594

Monday 4 April 2016


With the Federal and State governments aa well as privae sector venture capitalists rolling out programmes to support entreprneurship, having a business plan is key to accessing funds and technical support from sponsors.

Enrol for our workshop now and learn How to develop winning business plans in 3 hours.

This workshop is instructor led.

Follow us on @veenapconsultsl1 to learn more of our entrepreneurship development programmes.

Saturday 2 April 2016


VEENAP Consulting Book Review Series introduces THE RICHEST MAN IN BABYLON.... By George Clason

Join is in April, 2016 for book review discussions on this invaluable piece if knowledge that will open up secrets to generational wealth.

VENUE: 7 Mbaba Afia street, opposite the National Open University of Nigeria Uyo study centre, Uyo.

To book a space, SMS ' Richest man' to 07066864594 or 08131318476

Dont miss this book review for anything! Come and share in the secrets of getting and staying wealthy.